
Russian language
«Written speech»

Refresh/master/reinforce basic spelling and punctuation rules of Russian language. Competent formulation and delivering of thoughts and messages, improvement of spelling and punctuation in correspondence, preparing curriculum and filling documents. Writing skills.

  • Teacher

    • 1 hour (60 m)

      17 $

    • 8 lessons

      120 $

  • Group

    • 1 hour (60 m)

      11 $

  • Professor

    • 1 hour (60 m)

      22 $

    • 8 lessons

      163 $

  • Subscription

    • 8 lessons

      76 $

    • 12 lessons

      109 $

  • Academic

    • 1 hour (60 m)

      33 $

    • 8 lessons

      228 $

What you get from this course

  • Refreshing/mastering/reinforcement of basic spelling and punctuation rules of Russian
  • Learning the correct way of thoughts formulation, accurate and appropriate use of various
    linguistic means
  • Acquisition of linguistic styles and knowledge of its specifities use in your written speech
  • Catch on the particularities of business correspondence, filling curriculum and other

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For whom is intended the course?

  • Are journalists and bloggers
  • Are managers, directors and other specialists, who maintain active business correspondence
  • Are students, master candidates, postgraduates of non-philological faculties
  • Wish to level up their skills of grammatically correct and proper formulation of thoughts
Russian language 
«Written speech»

Program content

Russian language "Written speech"

  • Academic load

    4-10 academic hours per week (1 hour = 60 min)

  • Learning format

    Individual / group (4-6, 8 students maximum)

  • Programme content

    1. Sprlling and punctuation.
    - Principles of Russian script and spelling.
    - Basic spelling and punctuation rules of modern Russian literary language.
    - Development of working with dictionary and orthography handbook skills.

    2. Text and speaking styles.
    - Text and its units. Rules of scructural formation of a text.
    - Modern Russian literary speaking styles and their particularities.
    - Means of language expression and their use in copywriting.

    3. Business mail.
    - Rules of successful business correspondence.
    - Formal and business speaking standarts.
    - Main styles of business communication.

  • The results

    - Will write in style and without discreditable mistakes
    - Will become a competitive and well-respected competent specialist.

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