Frequently Asked Questions
Мы собрали вопросы которые задают нашей школе чаще всего. Смотрите ответы.
All our teachers are native speakers with extensive work experience and professional education obtained in leading universities around the world.
Our chief tutor will contact you and suggest a teacher based on your wishes, level of knowledge, goals and schedule after registering on the site and passing a comprehensive diagnostic test. At this stage (only for individual classes), you can also choose the qualification level of the teacher (teacher, senior teacher or associate professor, professor).
If any of the schools in the world answers this question and tells you the exact number of hours, then it is worth thinking: “It is “a Herbalife”, isn’t it :) ”? The duration of training depends on many factors: the goals set, the initial level, the speed of assimilation, the regularity of attending classes, etc. An approximate plan and time schedule can be drawn up only after a diagnostic test and an interview between the tutor and the student. We work only for results. No "tempting" promises!
You are very lucky! No textbooks! Our unique programs include author's developments and compilation of materials from the best educational publications. Therefore, each student will have his or her own individual training scheme developed.
If for any reason you want to change the teacher, the Tutor will contact you and select another teacher, according to your wishes.
Individual classes can be canceled or rescheduled no later than 2 hours before the beginning of a lesson no more than twice a month. Otherwise, the lesson will be considered as held.
In case of any technical problems, our administrator or teacher will contact you and assign another time for the class. The lesson will be fully worked out.