
Russian language

Familiarity with the structure of the language and the basics of Russian pronunciation. Fundamental rules necessary for coherent speech in everyday communication. Modern language simulators accompanied by the best tutors and teachers.

  • Teacher

    • 1 hour (60 m)

      17 $

    • 8 lessons

      118 $

  • Group

    • 1 hour (60 m)

      11 $

  • Professor

    • 1 hour (60 m)

      22 $

    • 8 lessons

      161 $

  • Subscription

    • 8 lessons

      76 $

    • 12 lessons

      108 $

  • Academic

    • 1 hour (60 m)

      33 $

    • 8 lessons

      226 $

What you get from this course

  • In two modules of the program, you will master the necessary skills and knowledge of the Russian language in various types of speech activity (educational, professional, socio-cultural, etc.)
  • Learn to read texts of different genres (artistic, scientific, journalistic, etc.) and understand their content.
  • Learn to formulate thoughts and formalize them in writing in accordance with the rules of the Russian literary language.

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For whom is intended the course?

For those who:

  • Has basic knowledge and practical skills of writing and speaking Russian.
  • Understands Russian speech at the everyday level.
  • is able to formalize his thoughts coherently at an elementary level, participating in a dialogue.
Russian language

Program content

Russian language "Basic"

  • Academic load

    4-10 academic hours per week (1 hour = 60 min)

  • Learning format

    Individual/ group(4-6, 8 students maximum)

  • Program content

    1. Vocabulary. Grammar.
    - Understanding the meaning of words and their use in context.
    - Correct use of grammatical forms of verbs.
    - Declension of noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral.
    - Making simple sentences and using them in the text.

    2. Reading.
    - Reading texts in accordance with the rules of Russian pronunciation.
    - Understanding the main content of the read text.

    3. Listening.
    - Correct understanding of information (topic, summary, main idea of each semantic part).

    4. Written speech.
    - Recording information under dictation and understanding its content.
    - A brief retelling of the text according to the plan.
    - Creation of a small text on a given topic according to the plan.
    - Written answers to questions.

    5. Oral speech.
    - Dialogue on the topic of a communicative situation.
    - Compilation of a short text on a specific topic.
    - A short and complete retelling of the text according to the plan.

  • The results

    After successfully completing this course, you will be ready to take the test in Russian as a foreign language. Basic level (A2).

    You can also go to the next level of learning the Russian language «Advanced».

  • Course program

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